While I’ve seen flies and at least one bee (or bee-mimic fly) buzzing around, this is the first insect that has sat still long enough for me to be photographed.
Category: Macro
Another view of the emerging sap from a piece of the trunk from our blue spruce pine we had to have taken down in our back yard.
We had to have a big blue spruce tree, from our back yard, taken down. I thought keeping the wood would be great for our backyard fire pit (after it dries) but I’m sorta wondering if the pieces of trunk will be with us for many, many years. This photo is, obviously, of some sap running from one of those pieces, illuminated quite nicely in the unseasonably warm January sun.
January Confuses Me
Due to this unseasonably warm winter, we have some bulbs growing in one of our flower beds. I wish I could tell them “No, really, it’s January. Just wait, you’ll see.”
I opened up an orange bell pepper to find inside, a whole ‘nother pepper growing on all four sides. Silly me I didn’t take a full 360 photo of the center, but still, it was fun.