A panoramic photo taken from about half-way up Tower Hill showing part of the dunes, the parking area, beach, and Lake Michigan.
Category: Canon A650IS
Nearing the end of the climb to the top of Tower Hill (~260 feet), the tallest sand dune at Warren Dunes State Park
There is a creek at Warren Dunes State Park that should be part of everyone’s experience at some point. It’s exit into Lake Michigan is not too far a hike. (Though, as it kid, it sure seemed further to me.) If you want, you can hike a ways back into the woods and find an area of clay to enjoy. We enjoyed it by standing in it, but other beach-goers (in particular teens) enjoy it by covering themselves head-to-toe. Someday Nate will be that teenager, I’m sure.
sailors delight
Sunset over Lake Michigan from Warren Dunes State Park after the storm this past Saturday. Nate and I along with a friend and his two cousins Nate’s age went camping this past weekend at the park. After the intense 45 minute storm, the red flags were posted along the beach and the waves started to grow and grow.
A small spider on one of our daffodil flowers in March