At the beginning of April, Lily turned 5. This photo is from her friends-party which, despite appearances, was a lot of fun for her. The real reason she looks bummed is that she’s shy and didn’t like everyone singing to her. But I like to think this is a good representation of what a lot of us feel like internally as we age: Another year…
Category: Canon 500D
Bird Man
We have a bird feeder right outside the front picture windows. This is quite the source of fascination for Jamie. This was taken in mid-December, after he had started standing on his own. Photo by Heather
Jamie enjoys noses. Others, not so much.
where’s waldo
Nate at church in the children’s Christmas program, raising his hand. All the kids were supposed to come to church wearing their PJ’s.
so happy
Jamie, a week past 1 year old. Photo by Heather.